Mixed berries close-up News/Media

SFGA 2021 Annual General Meeting

The Saskatchewan Fruit Growers Association held their Annual General Meeting on February 13, 2021 on ZOOM platform (could not meet in person due to COVID).  Regular business took place with motions, being approval of previous years AGM minutes, approval of the financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2020, and election of Board directors.  New business was discussed.  Reports were delivered by:  Don Martin, SFGA President; Forrest Scharf, Fruit Specialist, SK Ministry of Agriculture; Kaytlyn Criddle, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Dr. Bob Bors, Head of the Fruit Program, U of S, Plant Sciences.   A video presentation was delivered by Kate Congreves, U of S, Plant Sciences on her field cover crop trial.

Immediately following the business portion of the AGM, Rob Spencer, from Spencer Horticultural Solutions was our guest speaker.  Rob spoke on these main topics: a) Direct market prices of prairie fruit; b) Spotted Wing Drosophila; c) A rogue’s gallery of fruit (diseases, pests, nutrient deficiencies, etc.).