Mixed berries close-up Register


  • GPS Longitude is required for the U-Pick map, but can be determined later.
  • GPS Latitude is required for the U-Pick map, but can be determined later.
    Please provide us with acres planted. This information is confidential and used for statistical purposes.
  • ×The maximum number of fields has been reached.
    • ×+
    • ×+
  • Please choose a membership category

    plus $7.50 GST
    plus $7.50 GST
  • Please make your cheque for $157.50 payable to the SFGA. Mail application and cheque to SFGA, 2335 Schuyler Street, Saskatoon, SK S7M 5V1, or fax applications with credit card payment to (306) 975-6850. You can also email the application with credit card payment to saskfruit@agcouncil.ca. NOTE: Our old PO Box is closed. Please update your files to the address: 2335 Schuyler Street, Saskatoon, SK S7M 5V1. We are still discussing the payment types, that will be later.
  • What prompted you to become an SFGA member?

  • Account Information

    Once your account is approved after payment you will be able to login using these credentials.
  • Usernames cannot be changed.
  • Type your password.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Type your password again.
    • Billing Details

  • Your Purchase

  • Subtotal:
    Total Price: