Mixed berries close-up Member Benefits

Member Benefits

Member Benefits

The Saskatchewan Fruit Growers' Association (SFGA)

The association is a voluntary, non-profit organization whose members are interested in developing a strong and vibrant fruit industry in Saskatchewan. All affairs of the Association are governed by its constitution and an elected five member board of directors who have active member status.



“A grower directed association dedicated to the production and marketing of premium quality fruits. Working with industry to meet customer needs.”


Membership Benefits

Depending on the specific membership category members will receive:

Active Member:

  • Placement on the SFGA website map
  • Bulk purchasing discount on annual plant order
  • Reduced registration fees for workshops and conferences
  • The right to vote at our annual general meeting
  • If interested, can be elected to join the Board of Directors

Affiliate Member:

  • Placement on the SFGA website map
  • Reduced registration fees for workshops and conferences


The SFGA’s objective is to meet production and marketing needs of individuals producing fruit crops such as: Saskatoon berries, strawberries, raspberries, chokecherries, currants, haskaps, rhubarb, and any other not as common crops such as: sea buckthorn and lingonberry.  To meet these needs the Association is dedicated to the following objectives:

  • Research oriented
  • Communicate any research and industry development to the grower
  • Identify grower priorities for research
  • Market orientated
  • Proactive promotion into new markets
  • Share information on the mechanics of market entry
  • Research and identify potential markets
  • Prairie-wide cooperation
  • Increase participation in the association
  • Increase interprovincial cooperation to reduce competition
  • Premium quality products
  • Educate the consumer about Saskatchewan fruit
  • Provide input on quality and grading standards and regulations
  • Provide advise to growers with recommended methods of field management
  • Industry representative
  • Increase cooperation of all industry stakeholders
  • Advise government and research organizations concerning growers’ needs


Member Involvement

Members are encouraged to participate in the following:

  • Annual General Meeting
  • Field Day events
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Committees
  • Marketing projects
  • Research


Membership Categories

The association is for all people who are interested in growing fruit on the prairies. In this regard, the association has two membership categories. One of these categories will suit the level of involvement you would like to maintain in the association.

Active Member - $150/YR + GST = $157.50

Any one person, farm or corporation resident in Saskatchewan and engaged in the commercial growing of fruit for sale may become an active member upon application to the secretary, payment of prescribed membership fee and approval of his/her application by the directors.

Affiliate Member - $150/YR + GST = $157.50

Any person, farm or corporation interested in the fruit industry, but not eligible for active membership, may be admitted as an affiliate member upon application to the secretary, payment of the prescribed fee and approval of the application by the directors.  Affiliate members are not eligible to vote.